Oferta Académica

We raise happy and successful children for the well-being of our world

Our offer goes from maternal education all the way to the third grade of preschool with a bilingual process.

On the first years of integral and secure people the cognitive, motor and social skills are developed as well as the awakening of technological skills. In order to achieve this, we place emphasis in the learning of pre established patterns, rules and norms; in obtaining fine and thick motor coordination in the acquisition of the enjoyment of learning through reading, teamwork, and mathematic comprehension, allowing for a harmonic transition towards elementary education. All of this in an environment focused on the student’s happiness.

Curricular purpose.

1.- Foster the integral development of the children in every way, making emphasis in the socioemotional abilities that will allow them to be happy.

2.- Develop in our students the capacity to learn how to learn, helping them recognize their strengths.

3.- Develop in the students the interest and motivation to learn as well as critical thinking.

4.- Develop strategies of teaching intervention and didactic resources that in favor of an education according to the student’s interests and needs.

5.- Favor socialization between pairs in order to show children how to coexist, work in teams, assume interaction norms and connect with people outside of their family environment.

Maternal – Preschool 1, 2 y 3: entrance 8:30 a.m. / Dismissal: 1:30 p.m
*Option for extracurricular activities (Monday to Friday dismissal: 5:00 p.m.)



The children learn how to behave through patterns and they learn virtues which will help them through their life.


Listening is promoted for children to be able to manage time, comprehend, expand, structure and reproduce.


Students learn the basic elements of maths, addition, substraction, count all the way to fifty, volumes and flat shapes.


Children will begin to develop the necessary skills of reading and writing. Realizing dictation exercises and spatial location when writing.


This tool allows children to develop artistic sensitivities physical coordination and motor maturity.


Students begin to recognize computational systems as work tools.

Preschool grades

Maternal: 2 years old (or birthday until December 31st)
Preschool 1: 3 years old
Preschool 2: 4 years old
Preschool 3: 5 years old


Students work daily with math, sensorial, practical life, oral and written language materials. This material offers the chance to observe, analyze, manipulate, research, discover, at the same time they learn concepts and practice rules of coexistence.

Extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities provide students with the opportunity to develop themselves in an integral manner.


Our project aims to achieve development of linguistic English skills. Students participate and interact in social practices of oral and written language through cultural projects and development of the 4 abilities required to learn a new language: Listening-Speaking-reading – Writing.

Our project aims to achieve development of linguistic English skills. Students participate and interact in social practices of oral and written language through cultural projects and development of the 4 abilities required to learn a new language: Listening-Speaking-reading – Writing.

  • Personalized work with concrete materials.
  • MAMCO methodology.
  • Project based work.
  • Walking library as a reinforcer of reading skills.

Students learn to use technological hardware and to interact with educative software; this way the can use technology to create new contents.

On the maternal stage, we consolidate the mother tongue and we introduce a secondary language (English). From 1st to 3rd grade the use of the second language is promoted through the AMCO methodology and the implementation of cultural projects. At the end of the 3rd grade, students will have acquired the basic reading and writing skills.

In each of the stages the mathematical thinking is worked through systematized material and progressive levels of complexity. At the end of the 3rd grade students will be able to apply basic principles of counting.

Students learn to use technological hardware and to interact with educative software; this way the can use technology to create new contents.

On the maternal stage, we consolidate the mother tongue and we introduce a secondary language (English). From 1st to 3rd grade the use of the second language is promoted through the AMCO methodology and the implementation of cultural projects. At the end of the 3rd grade, students will have acquired the basic reading and writing skills.

In each of the stages the mathematical thinking is worked through systematized material and progressive levels of complexity. At the end of the 3rd grade students will be able to apply basic principles of counting.


7 + 10 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.