Our extracurricular activities allow our students to develop in an integral way.






The students develop the knowledges and academic skills thanks to the use of classrooms designed to improve learning in each academic area. We have then specialized classrooms: Natural sciences, social sciences, English, Spanish, math, art, French, computers lab, and a recording studio for audio and video.
Facing the reality of a globalized and competitive world, we put special care in the development of cognitive skills and thinking in the English language. To achieve this, 75% of the class hours are lectured in this language. In addition, we host spelling bee, writing and reading contests.
The graduated profile of our students is designed in such a way that through their capacities and skills, they can face the needs and international aptitudes.
1. Develop multiple intelligences. – this section contains 8 intelligences. For its evolution we work upon different activities to allow the student to act, solve and create problems to create products and be useful in society..
2. Cooperative learning: This methodology pretends the active participation of the student in his or her learning process through cooperation, shared responsibility and mutual help towards one another..
3. Technologies for information and communication – TIC: We use the TICs in different areas to potentialize a double learning, attending diversity and a collective and collaborative learning experience. All of this helps the students make use of this didactic resources and to adapt to this new reality of learning..
4. Education in values: We want our students to learn that the school is a social space in which one can learn and coexist.
Monday to Friday: Entrance time 6:55 a.m. Dismissal: 2:30 p.m.
*Optional: We offer the option of extended schedule until 5:00 p.m. (Please refer to the “extracurricular activities” section).
Jr. High, being bilingual, fosters the learning process in English through the teaching of English spoken assignments.
Visits to museums, debate clubs, spelling, writing and reading contests and science fairs to compliment their education.
We foster development of virtues through teamwork, which allows them to achieve skills for a harmonic coexistence.
We show the achievements and completed homework to promote in our students the desire to improve.
The knowledge of a third language helps acquiring an excellent education as well as important jobs.
The learning of every academic area is developed in an optimal environment which improves the acquisition of true knowledge.
Our extracurricular activities allow our students to develop in an integral way.
Jr. High, being bilingual, fosters the learning process in English through the teaching of English spoken assignments.
Our students have the chance to graduate with a C1 OXFORD certification, which shows the high language proficiency.
Our Education model has four transversal and integrator axes in the teaching/learning model:
1. Develop multiple intelligences. – this section contains 8 intelligences. For its evolution we work upon different activities to allow the student to act, solve and create problems to create products and be useful in society.
2. Cooperative learning: This methodology pretends the active participation of the student in his or her learning process through cooperation, shared responsibility and mutual help towards one another.
3. Technologies for information and communication – TIC: We use the TICs in different areas to potentialize a double learning, attending diversity and a collective and collaborative learning experience. All of this helps the students make use of this didactic resources and to adapt to this new reality of learning.
4. Education in values: We want our students to learn that the school is a social space in which one can learn and coexist.
The computer lab in Jr. High is designed for the students to understand the use of technologies as an ally in the intellectual formation. Thanks to what is imparted in classes students will be capable of doing homework with the technologies for information and communication (TICs).
Students of every grade in Jr. High make use of the mechatronic lab. This benefit that our school offers provides the students with the required knowledge of electronic, robotics, mechanics, home automation and processes actualization but above all else, programming. We seek this objective through the use of Arduino, a platform to teach kids and teens the fundamentals of mechatronic.
* Introduction to web coding (HTML, Javascript)
* Introduction to mechatronic (Arudino development boards)
* Arudino boards coding (Arudino IDE)
* Introduction to database (Access, MySQL)
* Object oriented coding (Visual basic)
* Multyparadigm coding (Python)
The students with their academic, humanistic and professional academic projection obtain the Oxford level C1 certification and antibullying certification.
The graduate acquires knowledge and skills in electronic, coding, and database management, to introduce them to concepts such as IOT (internet of the things), creating programs and interfaces to manipulate electronic devices and obtain information through different sensors. The use of informatic abilities in the XXI century where learning coding is fundamental.
Learning to code helps people in each and every area of knowledge. The computational thinking develops logic, a very undeveloped side of those who don’t study coding.